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Reasons for the Presence of Pelvic Pain

Pelvic pain affects the pelvic area, and sometimes the lower abdomen. Most reported cases are from women, but there have been a few men affected as well. It is possible to experience it in the lower back and thighs too. Pelvic pain is usually a symptom to an underlying cause, as one of them.

It comes in two categories; chronic and acute. The most popular one is acute pain. It is intense and lasts for a shorter period. If you had surgery, you might feel it more. Chronic pain will go on for longer. Chronic pain manifests itself as mild, moderate or severe, with a steady increase in intensity. You may feel a sudden intense attack, or an ever present and dull one in the background. It shall show up during sexual activity, or the periods, or if you are in the toilet on a short call. It is normally an indicator of urinary system, reproductive system, nervous or lower intestinal tract issues. This normally means a woman has a menstrual cycle or reproductive system problem. Such a pain growing acute indicates there is a major complication in play. A miscarriage has it as one of its symptoms. Another cause is an ectopic pregnancy. It is accompanied by cramping and abdominal pain. Pelvic inflammatory disease is also a cause. Ovarian cysts are another culprit, where they also bring lower back and thigh pains. Endometriosis can also be attributed, and in it the pain is in the pelvic area only. Ovarian cancer and menstrual cramps are the other causes, but with the cramps proceeding up to the lower back area. Uterine fibroids can be another cause, but there is also the presence of a sensation o pressure on the pelvic area.

Pelvic pain can also be caused by constipation, kidney stones, urinary tract infection, appendicitis, colon cancer or ulcerative colitis.

It is normally the case that anyone who feels like they might be having pelvic pain to immediately seek a doctor’s intervention. There are many things that can cause pelvic pain, and so you need the doctor to do a few tests to diagnose what the particular cause is. You may have to undergo an MRI, an ultra sound scan, or a computed tomography to identify the problem by the process of elimination of causes. It is after knowing what the cause was that a doctor can give you medication. There are cases where you only need and anti-inflammatory drug, an oral contraceptive pill, or an anti-depressant. Others are more complicated, and need you to be schedules for an operation, like a hysterectomy or laparoscopy. In some cases, wheat you shall be recommended for is a muscle relaxant, exercises, heat therapy, or a nerve block. You need to be given the right treatment, depending on what caused the pain.

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